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The flagship Xperia XZ Premium positive surprises

The new flagship of Sony worth more 790 dollars, but studying the characteristics we can conclude that it is not expensive.

Sony no longer holds in the mobile market very strong position, but still boasts a large group of supporters. The company has prepared flagship smartphone, by which hard to pass indifferently. We are talking about the Xperia XZ Premium.

This year, the flagship has already managed to win the award the best smartphone of the exhibition MWC 2017 and several other awards. Previously, it has been suggested, that its market debut will have to wait until June. So probably not be. As we have learned in a European supermarket chain pre-sales will begin in the second week of May.

Также мы узнали стоимость – 790 dollars. And as it turns out this is a pleasant surprise. Why? The smartphone has a really strong specification, and Sony has accustomed its fans to, he appreciates the offers very high. That is why earlier went assumption that it costs somewhere 921 US.

From the above it becomes clear that the Xperia XZ Premium at the start of sales will be a bit cheaper than LG G6 and much cheaper, than Galaxy S8. In this case, the characteristics in their background looks decent. Moreover, in some ways even more interesting. Suffice it to say, it is the first smartphone with a 4K screen HDR-camera to save video super slow motion (960 FPS).

Specifications Sony Xperia XZ Premium:

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