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Facebook open platform for players, – бросает вызов Steam?

While it is difficult to say, сможет ли Facebook конкурировать с Steam. But apparently, he wants.

Steam has a very strong position - will not be exaggeration to say, it is the most advanced platform for computer players. Many companies would like to, probably, compete with it, but few people went to such a move. Facebook decided to create something like Steam.

Facebook platform

New Facebook project is a platform for players, whose future is not yet clear. known, что эта платформа будет в значительной степени зависеть от самой социальной сети, but at the same time to use the users and companies database.

Initially, the offer Internet giant platform will be, first of all, browser games. However, not only such, которых на Facebook полно, but also a very serious - and it's all thanks to the establishment of cooperation with a team of programmers developing Unity. Also on this platform will be mobile games, which will be run on the PC.

With this clear, but what's next?

What's next? If the project attains popularity, it can be assumed, that Facebook wants to add the game to score VR. Since Facebook is the owner of the company Oculus VR, it would be a good idea for the development of.

Who knows, может со временем и на платформе Facebook появятся полноценные, great games? Хотя Steam имеет сильные позиции, не можно говорить о том что у Facebook нет шансов. Основным преимуществом компании Цукерберга является большая привязанность к сообществу собирающихся вокруг данных вопросов игроков и игровых компаний.

Facebook is building his empire

Is the Facebook platform is an amazing idea? Probably, Yes. It could result in absolute failure? Yes, possible. Mark Zuckerberg himself acknowledged in a recent interview, that "the chief has to take risks".

Judging by the steps, which provides Facebook, the company is trying to build his empire. First invested a considerable sum in the development of a unique search engine, by which managed to remind myself. Later he became King: sites, blogs and photo blogs. Then I decided to compete with, and now I decided to open their own gaming platform. What do you think about this?

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