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Facebook, Google and Twitter are against incitement to hatred

Социальные сети обязались в организации выявления и быстрого удаления расистских и ксенофобских материалов. Разжигание ненависти это реальная проблема в Интернете, because the feeling unpunished, пользователи все чаще не придерживаются пользовательского соглашения и выписывают в социальных сетях (and not only) no comments, которые грубо и часто унижают достоинство другого человека. The network is increasingly held shares, the purpose of which is drawing attention to this problem in an attempt to overcome it, but absolutely necessary in this matter as the implementation of the basic actions.

It is something like the Giants decided to triple: Facebook, Google и Twitter. They conducted a pilot on the use of action last week, состоящие в удалении материалов представляющие призывы к ненависти.

These actions were undertaken in collaboration with the German government and the German-language versions of the portals concerned, and posts and comments filtration were intended primarily to combat racist attitudes, expressed in connection with the worsening crisis in Europe.

Приток беженцев и иммигрантов в Германии вызвал среди ее жителей волну восстания и привел к распространению расистского содержания через веб-порталы таких как Facebook. German Justice Minister Heiko Maas, – отметил в беседе с Reuters „illegal expression, бунты и подстрекательство к совершению преступлений, cross the boundaries of freedom of expression" So what "such materials must be removed from the network”.

He also complained about the fact that social networking portals do not react quickly enough. Therefore, Facebook, Google and Twitter have decided to respond and enter into an agreement with the German government. Under this agreement,, portals in the organization committed to identify and quickly remove this type of content.

Facebook spokesman said: „на Facebook нет места для призывам к ненависти или подстрекательству к насилию. We encourage users to use our tools to alert, if they believe that the content violates our standards and regulations, so that we can investigate and take prompt action. Most of these messages we can process for 24 hours”. Similarly expressed and Google representative: "We are committed to working with the government and are committed to consider the most messages for 24 hours. But YouTube has long been the policy prohibits incitement to hatred and extremism ".

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