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Electronic cigarettes as an opportunity to maintain their health

Важные параметры и особенности электронной сигареты

Smoking is one of the major challenges of our century. Millions of people of different ages, inhaling the nicotine, shorten life not only, but to others. Many later aware of the detrimental effect of cigarette, However, quitting smoking is not easy. Dependence to tobacco smoke can be overcome, not all. However, this problem can be solved, replacing harmful tobacco cigarettes on the basis of a special electronic device. visiting shop electronic cigarettes, you will see a huge range of the like product.

The main advantages of cigarettes beztabachnyh

The benefits of these developments e-thought over conventional nicotine analogues incomparable. Consider the main ones.

  1. minimal damage. In addition to nicotine and tar in conventional cigarettes contain many harmful to human health of chemical constituents, most of which are carcinogens. In electronic devices, there is only a tiny fraction of nicotine and small supplements, so their use will bring far less damage to the body. Besides, in the use of cigarettes a smoker will not yellow teeth and fingers.
  2. No smoke. Electronic media do not produce tobacco smoke, which can lead to cancer and lung diseases. In use, water vapor is released, and it has no such sharp unpleasant odor and no danger to the surrounding (passive smokers).
  3. Fire safety. Tobacco addiction, people often have the habit to smoke in bed and throw cigarette butts anywhere. This often leads to fires and human victims. But a smoke a cigarette on the batteries, it can simply be removed in a pocket or bag. It is worth noting, in this case, absolutely do not need an ashtray.
  4. financial savings. If the electronic devices to use for a long time, then there is the economic factor. After all, you need only buy refills. And a man will be uninteresting constant tobacco price increase, obviating the need to get matches or lighters.
  5. You can quickly quit smoking. When using such devices, It is gradually getting rid of nicotine addiction. In a conventional cigarette contains up 2 mg of this harmful substance, and electronic - all 0,15 mg.

I have these devices and one big disadvantage - it's a considerable price for the equipment: own cigarettes, refilling cartridges, charging device. However, this extreme measure is not comparable with the benefits, so welcome to shop electronic cigarettes!

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