Ecological boilers for solid fuels|news

Ecological boilers for solid fuels

Современные котлы на твердом топливе являются выгодными не только с environmental side, но и дешевые в эксплуатации. Экология котельного отопления в их случае идет рука об руку с энергопотреблением: help to protect the environment and help reduce heating bills.

boilers Martin photo

modern solid fuel boilers equally convenient to use and manage as gas model. They have one major advantage: coal and wood are some of the cheapest fuels available in the market. In boilers, using solid fuel, except coal and wood, You can use the so-called biofuels, i.e, pellets (compressed sawdust).

Fifth grade boilers

All boilers are certified and belong to different classes. The highest is the fifth. His model assigned with the lowest levels of carbon monoxide emissions into the atmosphere and Sulfur, as well as high energy efficiency. The highest value corresponds to some boilers using coal, but basically it is a model for wood and pellets. Confirmation of belonging to the fifth class is the appropriate certificate.

ecological boilers

Choosing a solid fuel boiler, you should choose from eco-friendly models, which belong to the highest class of the fifth. They have a high efficiency, thus consume less fuel, and home heating is cheaper. The efficiency of this type of device is about 90%. True all specifications should comply with to achieve the specified value. In particular, the fuel must have a suitable moisture, and placing the proper amount of fresh air. Boilers for solid fuels, They must be installed in a separate room. Boiler must be equipped with ventilation chimney and, which must be removed from the roof to the desired height.

A disadvantage of this type of device is the need for space, wherein the fuel is stored. This is particularly inconvenient in the case of pellets, which occupy a lot of space and should be stored in dry conditions. On the other hand, they are more environmentally friendly compared to the same carbon, and their price does not jump so much, as the price of fossil fuels. It is also worth remembering, that coal must have the appropriate humidity, before you get into the boiler.

From video to this article, you'll learn, how to choose a solid fuel boiler. Enjoy watching.

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