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E3 2017: Xbox One X – самая мощная игровая приставка

Xbox One X is the most effective game console, которая предоставит игровой процесс в 4K/HDR. look, It looks like.

Конференция компании Microsoft во время E3 2017 primarily centered on the presentation of Project Scorpio, that is, the latest version of the console Xbox One and, simultaneously, самой мощной приставки для игр на рынке. Мы узнали ее официальное название, it's just Xbox One X.

Within two months we already know the console specification, на презентации она подтвердилась. На борту Xbox One X находится восьмиядерный процессор с тактовой частотой 2,3 GHz, at 4,6 times better graphics processor, 12 GB arrangement (of which 9 allocated to the game), and data storage volume 1 TB.

During E3 we learned, that all of this will be covered in a qualitative renewal (and smallest) housing, к эстетике которого не возможно придраться. Xbox One X выглядит в целом действительно хорошо.

Microsoft has confirmed, that all games and accessories for Xbox One will be compatible with the Xbox One the X. There were also without the previously mentioned features: support 4K, HDR, and many other technologies, designed to have a positive impact on the image quality (and not only).

Moreover, thanks to improved quality, games already released Xbox One will look better on the Xbox One the X, in turn, games, working on a new console in the 4K mode, but on TV Full HD, will have a better image smoothing.

Market premiere is scheduled for the console 7 November.

We already know the price of the console Xbox One X. In the United States will be 499 dollars, in us, probably 499 euro.

And if you do not believe, the console Xbox One X is really small, be sure to watch this:

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