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Dying Light: The Following – рассвет встает над живыми трупами…снова

dying-light-the-following-buggyМы уже имели возможность “обкатать” гигантское расширения Dying Light: The Following. Although there was no surprise, satisfaction - to!

Sorry, while you are alive?

Start the game is different - a brief and fascinating, но также многословны и вызывающие сонливость. Unfortunately, is currently in the gaming laptop is dominated last. And so the pleasant surprise is the fact, that Dying Light: The Following opens his short intro, после которого мы мгновенно оказываемся в точке, where to begin our adventure.

После получения “куска” истории в виде аккуратно собранного видео движемся каналами, которые должны вывести нас за пределы захваченного зомби Харрана… К “сожалению”, as it turns out, also a suburb teeming with infected animals. The word "unfortunately" can be interpreted in different ways, because for us it's an occasion for the next portion of bloody fun!

Living dead outside the city

Gameplay in Dying Light: The Following значительно отличается от основы. At the moment, it is difficult to say, whether it is a change in the plus or minus. Densely built-up streets Haran were replaced by open space, rustic landscape. Вместо этого мы получим погони в высокой по пояс траве. Interestingly, dvitatsya can not just walk, но и погонять на автомобиле (this little popozhe)

Honestly, after leaving the dark channels in solar area, where among the fields and rural back roads, Only here and there could be seen a house or a farm, questioning, on how such a plot would be attractive as a whole in the context of the mechanics of movement. Besides, it is in fact only about jumping on the roofs. Haran narrow streets create a unique atmosphere of danger. Finally, I never knew, because of the angle it pops bloodthirsty dead on us.

But in other way, It used to be relatively easy to get away from the chase - was enough to jump over the fence, скрыться на крышу и тому подобное. В Dying Light: The Following is not the way to avoid rampaging zombies, Perhaps that is why there is a greater fear, than walking the night streets of Haran.

Fields and woods, do not give virtually no shelter, and the sight of groups of zombies, standing in an open field in anticipation of the victim does cause chills on the back. As if that was not enough, even the night seem darker, despite, that because Haran also did not offer a huge illumination. Shortly speaking, nature, in which the action takes place Dying Light: The Following, настроение ужас вызывает, whatever you say.

В Dying Light: The Following asphalt red

Huge open space is certainly less developed parkour, but there is another side of the coin. В торговцев из окрестностей Харрана можно приобрести багги сразу в начале игры и он становится неотъемлемой частью игры.

I must at this point to write about, that the search for a vehicle fuel is an interesting variety in the gameplay, and on the, что разработчики из Techlandu обеспечили нам возможность модернизации нашего транспортного средства и так далее… Но вместо этого я отвечу на вопрос, who all care about most: whether cool choke zombie car? Yes, highly, It is very cool! Кровь плещет перед нашим лицом, roads will be red with the blood of zombies.

add more, what, probably, most of all I liked the mission with the car in the lead role, когда я темной ночью еду вдоль водопровода, in time to reach the pumping station. Of course, it is not necessary to add, that on my way and then there are plenty of the Living Dead, которые хотят того, so I introduced them to the bumper of my car.

Preliminary estimate:

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