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Drone cause of the tragedy in the Chopin airport in Warsaw

Дрон причинил трагедию в аэропорту Шопена в Варшаве

Drone cause of the tragedy in the Chopin airport in Warsaw
a photo: Wikimedia

UAVs are becoming increasingly popular. Unfortunately, not know all, how to deal with them. In the Chopin airport in Warsaw Embraer 195, Lufthansa's aircraft, провел посадку с ЧП – из-за безответственного пользователя. If not for the quick response of the pilot, it could lead to tragedy.

About 16 hours pilots flying from Munich Embraera 195 German Lufthansa already tried on a landing at Chopin Airport. Suddenly they noticed, that just 100 meters from the aircraft, flying drone. This they told, that quickly sent the plane to the other side.

The plane landed safely, but if the pilots did not notice drone, The situation could look quite different. UAVs are too small, so that they could see the radar, and at the same time big enough, that in case of contact with the aircraft engine result in an accident or explosion, which the, in turn, It could become a tragedy.

user drone, certainly, deserved punishment. but, we are really far from the criticism of drones in general. These devices can deliver a lot of fun, а также могут быть использованы в коммерческих и профессиональных целях (eg, Photo). Однако следует летать с умом и ознакомьтся с правилами о рейсах и спортивных мероприятиях.

As well, как и катаясь на машине, you have to think at the time about how to manage and anticipate the consequences of their actions. Soon here you will find a tutorial for users of drones, we strongly recommend that you read. you can hope, that the incident will not affect seriously to the ordinary user of drones.

Metropolitan Police arrested 39-year-old man, which the, probably, He is the owner of the drone, is the subject of this incident,. If as a result of the investigation it turns out, that the man is actually guilty, he could face up to 8 years in prison.

Also, there are comments from the spokesperson Chopin Airport, Pşemыslava Priʙliƶevskogo.

"It is a crime, because it is a direct threat to the security of air traffic. Our service does not go beyond the airport. We do not have such opportunities, to watch all Warsaw, and all the surrounding villages and checking, is not there some idiot, who wants to just release the drone before the plane lands” ,

- he said in an interview with TVN24.

A source: TVN24, Radio ZET

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