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What is the brake fluid DOT4, public vehicles used?

Brake fluid is one of the most important components, the quality and correctness of the choice of which depends directly on the work of the entire brake system. Manufacturers offer consumers a choice of several views of a liquid, that allows you to choose exactly the, which tolerances suitable for a specific vehicle. but, in this article we will focus on brake fluid DOT Class 4. In which the car is used and how it differs from other kinds of - all this tells in detail below.

First of all, Brake Fluid DOT 4 It is the most popular and commonly used in cars.

Technical characteristics of the fluid for a given class of brake system:

  1. Viscosity. It should be no more than 1700 mm2 / s, but, and not less than 750. It is worth noting, that at too low a viscosity of the braking force is transmitted to a large degree faster. It is worth noting, that the brake fluid boiling temperature DET 4 is no more 250 degrees.
  2. Excellent corrosion resistance. Such quality TJ determined by the presence of appropriate additional additives, that allow for reliable protection of all parts from corrosion.
  3. The presence of hygroscopic. This indicator is necessary, and it is influenced by special borates, which are composed of liquid. They allow to link the molecules of moisture, which fall into the liquid.

you must say, that brake fluid DOT Class 4 designed for use in vehicles, having a brake disk of any type on two axes.

What distinguishes the brake fluid DOT 4 from others in appearance? Brake fluid is any classification in a different color. So, eg, LS DOT1, 2, 3 and 4 often painted in bright yellow color, but the silicone DOT 5 - has a pink color.

Regarding the timing of the brake fluid replacement, then DOT 4 It should be replaced by 2 of the year, what the manufacturer says. but, we should also take into account other factors, that affect the timing replacement TJ. it, Firstly, region, in which the vehicle is operated. So, in places, where the humidity is greatly enhanced, brake fluid more quickly lose their abilities and properties. Besides, There are special tests, allowing independently determine the moisture concentration level in the brake fluid and, respectively, presence or absence of the need for its full replacement.

It is better to use a liquid, which fully complies with the vehicle tolerances, because only it is most suitable for a particular braking system. therefore, before buying TJ, should be familiar with the technical characteristics of your vehicle.

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