Take care of your health and that of your children buy therapeutic and prophylactic shoes on our website topitoshka.com.ua. We offer you the biggest selection of these products, which has a high quality, comfort and beautiful design. All models, appearance, very similar to conventional shoes, but internally it has particular therapeutic properties. All products meet all required medical standards, certified and warranty from the manufacturer.
We cooperate with reliable manufacturers and suppliers, which makes products from natural materials, such as leather and nubuck, they are well pass the air and baby's feet breathe and not sweat, All products are safe for health is very comfortable and practical.
Children's health footwear helps to evenly distribute the load of all the weight on his feet, it has a hard heel, solid sole and elastic insole. And also it has a bright and stylish shapes and colors. Any kid like all our models. Сайт имеет понятливый интерфейс, All products are distributed by sections, for the little ones and teenagers, boys and girls, etc.. products, presented on our site, a description of, photos and prices. To choose the right size, you can use a special dimensional grid, then the product will be good and comfortable to sit on the leg kid.
We employ highly qualified personnel, who knows all about orthopedic products, will always be able to answer all your questions and to finish saying what model is best suited for your child.
1) a huge selection of high quality goods;
2) pleasant service;
3) warranty and discounts on many goods.
Buy only the best products for their children, raduyte their quality models! Until we meet again!