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What have you always wanted to know, but ashamed to ask about underwear?

We each have our own habits, mysteries and questions, which cause awkwardness. This intimate thing wardrobe, as underpants, It may also be the subject of discussion for quite awkward. Special, if you ask certain questions out loud. However, some of even the most awkward questions still useful to know the right answers, to avoid mistakes in the future. panties photo


Such a mundane thing as panties present in the wardrobe of every woman and man. Industry lingerie model panties posing for a wide variety of cases and situations in life. They are sewn from natural and synthetic materials, converted into the functional things for people with special needs, non-standard shapes.

Today, there are hundreds of species of cowards for pregnant women, for people with curvaceous, and for those, who wants to conquer the partner's own sexuality. According to expert information, about 30 billions of dollars of turnover underwear industry. And it is not strange. Cowards need all. So why not ask them all, what are you interested in.

Can I go without panties?

Numerous studies confirm year after year, to sleep without panties is not only possible, but also very useful. In the dream, the human body needs to feel the freedom of, and overly tight underwear can impede air flow to the genitals. However, linen, we wear under clothing in the production process are tested for the ability to absorb moisture, since there are certain indicators, acceptable for the market goods of this segment. Because your dress, trousers, shorts and other clothing was not tested at this rate, it can not be considered absolutely safe for the rejection of underwear underneath.

The exception may be the sportswear, which has passed all the necessary tests.

Besides, Some experts say, that women, prone to irritations in the intimate zone, even useful brief walk in loose dresses without underwear, if the window is warm weather. But to get involved in such walks we should not.

Do I have to change underwear every day?

Doctors do not believe, that each person necessarily need to change underwear daily. If you make it through the day, no health problems will not arise.

However, only in rare cases, the second day of the underwear looks and is completely clean, since it can receive the following selections. Consequently, hardly a pleasant experience to wear on your body dirty thing.

Experts also insist on a daily change of underwear, if the skin irritation in humans are, rash, damage in the form of scratches. Refusal of a change of underwear in this case can cause infection.

Briefs should definitely change, If you are actively moving, engaged in sports or sweating heavily.

Besides, the fair sex should more closely monitor the personal hygiene, and change underwear every day, provided sweating. High moisture level for women may provoke the development of a common fungal infection, as thrush.

Important at all material, from which sewed pants?

Ответ прост – да, the fabric is very important. If you are interested, possible to save, buying cheap underwear, the, naturally, better not to do. At least, always try to find a quality version of natural materials, we are talking about your health.

For example, exercise and high stress levels require the use of tissue, which are breathable and moisture level of care. During your workout the skin needs to breathe.

Of course, You can give preference to the usual cotton, but now sports loads produce underwear made even more efficient materials, remove moisture. According to the results of a scientific experiment, athletes, who wore a linen, We achieved the best results in the competition, than their competitors.

I can go to the gym to tanga shorts?

Despite, that strict medical guidance, relatively strings harm to humans, who is engaged in these activities, not, there are some expert advice on how, what should be the underwear in the gym. If you rely on recommendations, the thong in the room is not the place.

Wearing these shorts, you leave bare many parts of your body in intimate areas. These sites rub against clothing, which increases the risk of irritation, fungi, infections due to the moist environment, which may occur during intense exercise.

Tang will hinder you to focus on the lesson,, they rub, twisted, cut into the body. Moreover, lack of reliable support and permanent tissue displacement contribute to the transfer of bacteria.

Boxers or still melting?

Gender issue of men's underwear, the answer to which can not be unambiguously.

Но за этим вопросом кроется другой – какие трусы носить, not to reduce male fertility. On the production of healthy sperm, according to doctors, negatively affected by the high temperature.

Consequently underwear should not be too tight or dense. Important, to pant fabric lets air, so the best option for men become more free underwear model.

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