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What people were searching on Google on a stretch 2016 of the year?

Google published the most frequently entered search engine queries. What we are living in the last twelve months?

find out, that people were searching for on Google in 2016 year

December is the month, the results of the annual. Published its rating and the company Google. curious, that most people are looking for on the Internet? let's get a look, which queries were introduced around the world.

Самым распространенным в мире поисковым запросом в поисковой системе Google в 2016 году был… „Powerball”. Not hard to guess, here we are talking about January, record jackpot won in this lottery, в размере почти 1,6 billion. На втором месте расположился “Принц”, новость о его смерти потрясла поклонников в апреле этого года. На третьем месте оказался „Ураган Мэтью”, who visited the West in the early fall, and took the life 1600 person. What else is looking? Of course, news about the US elections.

Here are a dozen of global queries to Google:

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