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Chrome получил функцию Google Cast

Google Cast was previously available, but only after setting an appropriate extension. Now it is built in the default browser.Google Cast 1

The most popular or not, Google Chrome is the lack of fans not complaining. But in order to keep the users need to improve both their offspring and make new items into it. It was such a novelty and become a Google Cast function.

What users get through it? The possibility of transferring the image on another screen (using Chromecast). The use of this solution is very easy. We just need to use this function, the corresponding button.

При этом следует отметить что этой функцией некоторые юзеры пользуются уже на протяжении двух лет. But it was only available when the optional expansion. Now, it is available by default with Chrome 52 and higher.

According to, published by Google, Google Cast function used the last month about 38 million times, на протяжении около 50 миллионов часов.

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