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What threatens the disclosure of a network of contact data?

Анонимность в виртуальном мире является залогом безопасности, in the real world. And it's not a joke, so that you can understand how serious it is, the article gives a real example of handling a user to a dating site support

An excerpt from the user's treatment

From the moment she gave her phone number to one man on a dating site, I suffer from it calls day and night.

It all began with the story of his life, and later he even called the night and complained about a problem at work. I tried not to raise phone, push him and explain that she was tired. Especially, что после этих жалоб я больше не была заинтересована в более тесном общении с ним.

He also at this time began to insist on a meeting, and after my refusal threatened, that find me, and then I regret his decision. Теперь я напугана, I do not know what to do. Kristina

Support response

Good time of day Christina. Unfortunately, You made a mistake, about which we warn their users. Making registration, everyone agrees with the terms of the agreement but did not get acquainted with them and the tips provided in this technical support.

Раскрытие на страницах пользователей, correspondence, chat or discussion in the framework of communication of their personal data may cause many undesirable situations. Until, as long as you are not sure, that the source / recipient has the right intentions, и полны решимости составить с ним более тесное знакомство, should apply to it the principle of limited trust, and remain anonymous.

Also worth a first meeting to appoint in a public place, such as cinema, bar, etc. If the caller will insist on telephone contact, better to ask for his number, and in the initial stage of call him to payphone. Such steps vegetable gardens you out of trouble.

In the current situation, we recommend that you change as soon as possible your phone number, and if for some reason this is not possible, Try again calmly, but lucidly explained the interlocutor, you refuse to continue to communicate with him, citing the, eg, changes in your personal situation. If this does not help, and with his hand the threat will be repeated or amplified, write an application to the police. Police officers come to us, and we, in turn, provide them with all necessary information about the intruder.

Remember! Сайт знакомств обеспечивает полную анонимность ваших контактов до тех пор, as long as you do not want to stop being anonymous!

Сервис myMobiMeet – это надежный инструмент коммуникации, protect your safety (including the ability to block unwanted contacts with users). Before you give someone contacts (email, phone), think twice.

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