IT News

The BMW Group has closed remotely in a car thief

The BMW Group has recognized, that the car was stolen, поэтому заблокировала замки… с вором внутри.

Как оказалось 38-летний вор заметил что кто-то оставил в автомобиле BMW key, so he decided to steal it. Но радость вора не длилась долго…..

Console in the car left the familiar host, который в свою очередь позаимствовал машину для поездки и вернул ее. When we found stealing, the owner contacted the police in Seattle, and she reported the incident to the company BMW. The manufacturer also learned about the theft of a car blocked his, thereby closing the inside thief, who wanted her to take a nap.

Thus, the thief was caught by police (which the company BMW handed coordinate) and more will all difficult for him to prove his innocence. This is however not its only problem, since the drugs were found in his pockets during the arrest.

As seen, modern technology on cars (which so often complain about drivers) can be extremely helpful.

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