Biologists were able to include "repairing" DNA in the tumor cells

As known, cancer cells - this, in fact, the cells of our body, who for one reason or another, "went crazy" and started uncontrollably share. In these cells,, among other things, DNA also is broken, and many drugs affect it at her. But a group of researchers from St. Petersburg has created a cure, which causes the cancer cells to repair their DNA and then self-destruct.

Most of the cancer arises from the failure of the p53 gene, which is responsible for the synthesis of a particular protein, monitors the integrity of the genetic information. When serious violations in the structure of DNA triggered apoptosis - cell death mechanism. It works in a healthy body, but in the tumor cells because of the defeat of the gene p53 apoptosis does not start, Although the cell's DNA to a large extent struck. According to the professor of the St. Petersburg State Technological Institute Alexander Garabadzhiu,

"We have finished experimenting with a new class of activators of p53. The activity we have created connections is much higher, than that of the most potent drugs, developed in the United States and advanced European research centers. Drugs based on them could be a new step towards the creation of an effective and safe means for chemotherapy ".

However, in practice it is not enough just to "include" p53. Sometimes the system described above does not work due to the high activity of the protein MDM2, which neutralizes the p53 molecules in healthy cells, to prevent their premature self-destruction. At the same MDM2 modified cells starts to work against us. A team of scientists from St. Petersburg, examining the structure of MDM2, I came to conclusion, what, changing the structure of some aromatic hydrocarbons, can achieve, they connect with MDM2 and neutralize it. Having received several versions of drugs-activators, experts tested them in vitro.

"We checked the work of drugs on cells cultures, extracted from malignant tumors in the rectum and in human bones. These experiments revealed, The compounds of successfully blocking MDM2 and p53 include, about killing 40% cancer cells ".

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