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Поставщик бетонных смесей “Бетон ЕКБ”. Review and reviews

“Бетон ЕКБ” это региональный лидер в отрасли строительных материалов. В России является одним из крупнейших производителей товарного бетона. There are a dozen companies producing concrete in the country, but this is a clear leader in the g. Yekaterinburg. Thanks to its vast experience the company offers high-quality products and services to its customers and contractors.

The company's vision is to create a better world for future generations. As stated by the manufacturer, the company's mission is to meet the global needs of clients and the establishment of cost-effective value for stakeholders, becoming a company, offering the most efficient building solutions.

A wide range of products and services

Производитель предлагает широкий ассортимент:

Besides, It provides services:

“Бетон ЕКБ” постоянно увеличевает свое предложение продуктов и услуг для растущих требований клиентов.

high quality concrete

Бетон с завода “Бетон ЕКБ” это продукт высшего качества. Concrete mix is ​​made of high-grade components in accordance with the national standards, with the necessary consumer properties, certificates. Modern technology and comply with all production mode provide a high quality concrete and strength of the structure formed therefrom. Despite the high quality it is worth noting that concrete price в компании “Бетон ЕКБ” значительно ниже чем у конкурентов

On the concrete production plants periodically extracted and examined concrete samples, that allows you to maintain the same high level of quality. Taking care of providing their customers with the highest standards prompted the manufacturer to the adoption of a voluntary certification system. As a result of this certification process are representatives of permanent supervision and control over the production process and the quality of the finished product.

Advanced production equipment and production quality control system allow us to guarantee the accuracy of the number of ordered concrete client. Concrete quality control of the manufacturer, not only in the factory, but also on the building site.

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