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Remote control lighting in the house

distance управление освещением может осуществляться с помощью пультов с инфракрасным портом или радио модулем. The latter is more convenient, because the transmitter and receiver do not need to be in line of sight. В этой статье пойдет речь о решении с радио модулем.

Recently, it became fashionable to use remote switch в частности при:

which is easier, change the location of the circuit breaker or replace it at the remote?

To transfer switch is required:

By comparison, the banal to the wireless switch replacement is much easier. Products on the market are a large number of companies. No matter what manufacturer you sympathize, important that the selected model was a compact size, since this depends on the ease of installation.

Wireless switch exactly fit in the box replaced

In the market you can find the model is designed as a single point of light, and two or more. It means, if you have in the room other than the central light point has, in the form of a standing lamp by the chair, lamps or illumination pattern, You can easily manage them all.

В стандартной комплектации беспроводные выключатели готовы для установки в любом месте, which increases the possibility of installation and at the same time functionality. One of the advantages of ready-made kits is, that they do not need to configure. Purchased separately products needs to be set to the same frequency, that requires little time. The cost of the kit is from 150 to 1000 USD depending on model and manufacturer.

Where can one buy?

In the store you will find exmart complete sets of wireless devices through which will be possible to remote control of all household electronic appliances. Yes, Lighting is just one of the directions of use, wireless switches can be managed in-house shutters, sockets, heating, and many others.


With wireless switches control lighting to the next level. Now you do not need to enter a room to look at the touch switch. The video for this article presents one of the wireless switch lighting options. Enjoy watching.

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