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Free or paid hosting sites?

so, you decide to blog, but are not sure, whether to pay for the paid hosting or to register for free hosting sites. It is a dilemma for many bloggers. In free hosting sites and paid web hosting has its pros and cons, that many difficult decision. None of the options are not perfect, and neither is suitable for everybody.

Luckily, you can make the best decision for yourself, if armed with knowledge and free hosting sites and paid hosting. In this article we will talk about such services, как Fozzy – который предлагает недорогой хостинг vps, as well as a free blogger and other, plus about programs, that will make your own hosting for your blog. We also analyze the pros and cons of each option Hosting. After reading this article you will be able to choose.

Who offer free hosting for blogs?

Many sites offer free website hosting. Also hammer in Google "free blog" - and you will see plenty of opportunities. The most popular, stable and quality is attributed:

What software do I need in order, to buy hosting for your blog?

There are many programs, that will facilitate your work when choosing a paid hosting. Many of these programs are free of charge. Самая популярная платформа – WordPress.

Less use of such programs and paid hosting - are often complex process of setting up. You need to download the program and fill them to the server, which is not always without problems. Especially difficult it is for those, who do not have much experience with servers.

Why would I use a free hosting such as Blogger?

Sites like Blogger engaged in hosting your blogs. This is a great choice for many people.



Why should I post a blog on a paid hosting Fozzy?




How view, In both cases there are pluses and minuses. What hosting to choose? Well, it depends on your knowledge and goals. If you want to use a blog for online business, then the best option - a blog on a paid hosting from Fozzy. If the blog is created for personal use, then you probably fit a blog on free hosting sites.

Carefully study all the above pros and cons. So you can make the best decision.

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