IT News

Battalion 1944 – наконец-то мы снова увидим игру по мотивам Второй Мировой Войны

vatalenAmong the new games, shootings, without a doubt, lacks. The only problem is, that manufacturers no longer interested in the climate of World War II, for which many players have to miss. Наконец появляется надежда на интересную игру которая окунет нас в время вышеупомянутого вооруженного конфликта.

Online Kickstarter continues to collect funds for the game Battalion 1944. Studio Bulkhead Interactive asked 100 000 pounds, what, apparently, nobody pushes. for 28 days before the end of the collection counts were more than 63 000 pounds.

As to the final campaign can be calm. That through it we need to get? Шутер переносящий нас в упомянутое время ВТОРОЙ Мировой Войны и напомнить нам близкие сердцу первые игры – Medal of Honor или Call of Duty 2.

The gameplay is designed to suit to fight the network, the services of the players will be put well-known arsenal, by the way, Thompson available.

Battalion 1944 It uses the Unreal Engine capabilities 4. The premiere is planned for PC, as well as the PlayStation 4 и Xbox One.

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