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Car tires: criteria for choosing summer tires

winter ends, and therefore, Car owners will have to think again over the summer shoe for his iron friend. Of course, nobody forbids to continue to drive in the warm time of the year on winter tires, but keep in mind, that it is made of a softer rubber, and therefore, when heated will be even softer and will not be able to fulfill their direct duties. As a result, the risk of accidents is increased many times. Поэтому настоятельно рекомендуется «переобуть» автомобиль на летнюю резину. tire photo

How to choose a summer tires?

Choice of summer tires in stores now begins to increase, increased demand due to seasonal. And often the owner of the car comes at a loss and can not make the right choice. Assuming, that all cars (car brands) various, we will only highlight the general parameters, which take into account when choosing a summer tire shop

On each bus is a special type of marking, eg 205/65 R15 105n. To make the right choice of tires, of this marking you need to know the following:

  1. 205 – ширина шины, denoted in mm. Nowadays, car owners increasingly prefer wider tires, This gives a solid car. Even in dry weather, the car is kept more stable on the road. true, есть и минусы – езда по мокрому дорожному покрытию опасна. And still need to take into account, front wheels should turn freely in different directions.
  2. 65 – пропорциональное соотношение высоты к ширине профиля, indicated in %;
  3. R – тип конструкции покрышки – Радиальный. If the letter R was not in the labeling, It means a diagonal design. But rubber with such a design is unlikely to meet the market today;
  4. 15 – радиус диска в дюймах (a very important parameter, Look no mistake);
  5. 105 – индекс давления на одно из колес;
  6. H – тип профиля, and the index of the maximum speed, with which the car can roll without stopping the entire 10 minutes without damage to tires.

When choosing the type of profile must be considered, where you plan to travel by car. There are three main types of Profile:

About the choice of tread can also give some advice:

More tips on how to choose the right summer tires in the video on this article.

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