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Assistant Google and Google Home built on the basis of artificial intelligence

Google introduces a new vision of the world and interact with devices. It should be intuitive, easily and naturally.

Google has for many years played a crucial role in the technology industry - identifies trends and innovates. Today there was one of the largest conferences in its history - #MadeByGoogle. Во время которой технологический гигант представил миру свое последнее видение: it is a natural interaction with electronics.

PK ? the Internet ? Smartphone ? AND

Сегодня наиболее важным устройством в руках большинства пользователей является смартфон. Google agrees, that in the coming years, little has changed in this respect, (however it yesterday unveiled its new series of devices Pixel), will change only the interaction with this equipment. All this thanks to artificial intelligence and assistants.

Assistant Google это приложение созданное на основе искусственного интеллекта, It is an advanced version of the current "OK Google", and it has many more features. The greatest feature is the maintenance of a natural dialogue with the device. „Our goal is to create a personal assistant for each Google user, since we have created for all of Google”, Around Sundar Piçai, Google CEO.

Google Personal Assistant for each

Google understands that under the motto: „личный ассистент Google для каждого”? Полностью настроенного помощника. This, which is able not only to answer questions based on the definition from Wikipedia, but also to remind you of the notes from the diary, play your favorite music, help in planning the way, and even book a hotel room. So your assistant will enjoy not only the search engines, but also calendar, Gmail, maps, YouTube and other services.

Именно такими возможностями наделен Google Assistant. As promised manufacturer - the more we use it, the more natural it will be possible to communicate with him and the more we can do with it. He will teach you and remember details, that matter to you. According to Google, All this will take place with full privacy.

Artificial intelligence is the brain Google Assistant

Мозгом Google Assistant является искусственный интеллект. A key feature of this solution should be the, что приложение все время должно с вами взаимодействовать и напоминать о важных событиях. The aim is to achieve a completely intuitive interaction between user and device.

Sundar Pichai boasted during a conference, that Google's collaboration with her team belonging DeepMind achieved great progress in the field of artificial intelligence. He cited three examples. The first is to increase the efficiency of object recognition in images (with 89,6 percent in 2014 year to 93,9 percent today). „The percentage difference is small, but it is of great importance in practice”.

Example number two is the Google Translator, Examples in which multiple, It became almost as accurate, as a human translator. Pichai also recalled the text-to-speech, It is getting better, offering more and more natural sounding voices.

Устройства с Google Assistant

The first device, that will use the capabilities of the new instrument, will Google Pixel smartphones. Google Assistant pretty much take over the management - with one voice only, you can use Maps, The calendar, YouTube, or Photos. Но главное совсем другое …..

Google Home, ie smart home from Google

As previously announced, Google introduced its home voice assistant called Home. This device is small size, оно должно изменить способ, you interact with the house or apartment. This equipment allows you to control your music and play it, answers the questions: about the weather, definitions or events, помогает о планировании дня – определении сроков встреч или установке сигнализации, and also allows you to manage household items (в списке партнеров указаны Nest, Samsung, Philips и IFTTT).

lighting Control, переключение программ в телевизоре, route planning, music playback (using the built-in loudspeakers Home) – это только некоторые из возможностей. Как утверждает компания – функциональность Google Home будет все время расширятся. For example, you will soon be able to order a taxi to the Uber through it. For details, we have to wait until December.

Google Home Premiere devices must pass a month, but to us it gets much later. The starting price is 129$. In principle, the device costs about as good as a budget smartphone, and judging by how much it gives opportunities for certain it will be sold like hotcakes. What do you think about this? Answers please leave in comments.

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