IT News

ASRock has completed work on the graphics card Radeon VII

Премьера видеокарты AMD Radeon VII приближается все большими шагами. В соответствии с заявлением AMD, видеокарта будет доступна также у производителей-партнеров – компания ASRock, it seems, I have completed work on a new model.

In time more and more reports began to come to the editorial office of InterTeam, that AMD company plans to release a reference card Phantom Gaming Radeon VII.

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Judging by the photograph appeared manufacturer has made a bet on the cooling system with three fans and dual heat sink (stylistically similar to the previous model, They differ only in the pictures on the labels).

According to the same received by the leakage InterTeam, the graphics card built on a 7-nm AMD Vega graphics system 3840 screening units, as it has already 16 GB of internal memory and is characterized by bandwidth 1 TB / second. four connectors are provided for connecting the monitor:

Radeon VII, As expected, It makes its debut on the market 7 февраля по цене 699 dollars. Тогда же должна появиться версия ASRock Phantom Gaming.

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