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Apple defends the privacy of its users regardless of the official order of the American court

A US court has sent an official order, which requires Apple to install a backdoor on the iPhone. Гигант говорит “нет”.

Apple has long treated the United States Security Agency, who asked her, чтобы она не слишком крепко защищала свои устройства и дала информации о ключах правоохранительным органам. According to iphone, Court stopped asking and started ordering that makes Apple.

Apple wants privacy for its users

The American giant has long boasted, which enhances encryption security contrary to the needs of government agencies, for, so that users feel comfortable using smartphones, tablets and other devices. The general director, Tim Cook, He said in June last year:

"We do not want your data, We want for you to Privacy ".

В конце прошлого года ФБР просило Apple о помощи, о Syeda Rizwan Farooka, who shot in San Bernardino 14 man and was carrying a iPhone 5C, which could be used to communicate with other terrorists. Smartphone - standard - encrypted, and the civil service could not cope with the protection of their own

court says: You must help us

Apple has been asked to help, but she refused. Суд арбитража по этому вопросу не принял отказа и направил официальный ордер на расшифровку смартфона iPhone 5C. reason: the fight against terrorism. Apple had, Consequently, obliged to:

  • circumvent or disable automatic erasure of data from the hard disk after 10 unsuccessful attempts to enter the security code
  • allow the FBI to perform the input of codes via the physical port or wireless technology Wi-Fi / Bluetooth
  • ability to bypass software delays input following codes

Как отмечает iphone ордер ясно показывает беспомощность американских агентств безопасности по отношению к безопасности Apple. Даже дешевую версию смартфона, as the iPhone 5C, It remains impossible to crack the FBI.

Apple believes in the good intentions of the FBI, но по-прежнему отказывает им

The court order may result in major violations within the user privacy. Therefore, Apple has not yet said the last word. Sent an open letter, which explains, why he does not want to / can not help.

To start, , Apple says, that provides strong protection, to protect personal information from hackers. Besides, "It is not our business, that people keep on their iPhones ". He stated, that the latest encryption system is so strong, even it is unable to avoid them, потому что не имеет ключей дешифрования.

At the same time a giant admitted, that shocked the shooting in San Bernardino, and strongly condemns such actions. He added, that his engineers were trying to help the FBI, but the user has disabled encryption, so they were powerless. "We have done everything, it was technically possible " ,- said company spokesman.

court says: Bring backdoor

giant was, court, I am obliged to create a backdoor in the new version of iOS, который смог бы обойти систему безопасности.

Apple has said, it would not unlock the iPhone authorities. Не хочет воспользоваться опцией номер два, is to install new software on your smartphone only terrorist. Why? Because even a single action could open up the possibility of using the FBI program in the future.

Apple intends to defend democracy and the right to freedom

US giant said, that the order-this undeserved. The manufacturer also said, that shocked, that the court justifies the decision of the XVIII century by the law to issue regulations to enterprises. In the end Apple claims, that the order does not correspond to the principles of democracy, because it jeopardizes citizens' freedom.

Apple has until the end of the week. Or the court will change in this period, the decision? Hardly. А вы на чьей стороне вы рассказываете, – важнее – конфиденциальность или безопасность?

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