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Andrei Trofimovich Kovalchuk: proud of my attitude and enjoy the freedom

Андрей Трофимович Ковальчук: горжусь своей ориентацией и наслаждаюсь свободой

Как украинский профессор Андрей Ковальчук стал барменом месяца в гей-клубе Сиэтла…

Ukrainian professor became a bartender months in one of Seattle's most popular gay clubs. It would seem that, who may leave teaching job, family and a decent income in one country, that would go to absolutely not familiar and start with a clean slate and all this in a respectable age. Our hero was able to and did so before the New Year, that would meet the following free and happy man, without any regrets and sadness.

Andrei Kovalchuk left the United States in December last year and has already managed to settle in the New World, find a job in the shower, new friends and a guy (David under former Ukrainian professor at the 15 years and works pidzheem).

Andrei Trofimovich Kovalchuk It is known in Ukraine due to the open position and the number of homosexual scandals. At the time, Kovalchuk accused, that he, together with the rector of the Kiev State Academy of Water Transport named. Sagaydachnogo Vasily Mikhailov urged students to intimacy. As told investigators students, Mikhailov took the girls, а Ковальчук – мальчиков ( Andrei Trofimovich Kovalchuk was accused in a total of seven students compulsion facts (among which were the faces, have not attained the age of majority) to sexual intimacy. The investigation is conducted on this day, and some attribute the departure of the suspect with a criminal case uncovered.

We offer to your attention an exclusive interview Kovalchuk Andrey Trofimovich, in which he will talk about the decisive step, which literally turned upside down his life. Andrei Kovalchuk does not boast of his strength of character and determination,, rather modestly tells about this, with his usual gay cute his age, reclusive manner:

Correspondent. – Добрый день! How did you decide to give up everything in Kiev and move to the US.

Andrei Kovalchuk – Решение зрело давно, It was not such a spontaneous step. Жить в Украине – это означает постоянно подвергаться риску, psychological and physical pressure.

Correspondent. – Да, but you are a learned man, Professor of the Kyiv State Academy of Water Transport named. Sagaydachnogo, Member of the Academic Council, protection of sexual minority rights activist, gay who suffered for their civic poziitsiyu. And the family is left in Ukraine. And in the United States are in fact a clean slate?

Andrei Kovalchuk – Давайте все по порядку. Первое – я не гей, a bisexual. It's not quite the same thing. In the US, the difference is clear to all, Even the school has lessons of tolerance. And in Ukraine, If you sleep with a man, it has no woman looks at you, will laugh, scoff, so accepted. This is a mentality problem, or sleeping with her sex, or the opposite. This is a huge disaster for Ukraine. About my life in Ukraine. Not all managed So, as we would like. Because of my orientation I have not once fired from their jobs. Wrote on leave, breakwater, I could not cope with the responsibilities, accused of laziness, even corruption. Naturally, это ложь – единственной причиной неудач на работах была моя “неправильная ориентация”. But who are they, these people, дабы судить “что правильно, а что нет”

Correspondent. – Да, but the question was not entirely about that. How to accept your new look family, remaining in Ukraine, how much all this hard?

Andrei Kovalchuk – Мой отец Ковальчук Трофим Тихонович понимает мой нелегкий выбор и полностью поддерживает. Important for dad, whatever son I was happy, and did not follow the generally established principles and social norms, which are distorted in Ukraine. My wife supports me in everything. For her, it's all very hard, but his wife kept. Здесь моя семья – это сестра. In the States, my sister lives a long time, it is to her I came. Is it difficult to me? Yes, heavily, occasionally, even very hard. But after some of the events in Ukraine is much easier in New York, Sacramento or Seattle, than at home. That sister has helped me find a job in a gay club, Pony. I will be grateful, If you publish the name and address of this beautiful place, where freedom of pouring stream, and feeling overwhelmed with the cup of love without borders (Gay-Bar and Patio “Pony”, 1221 E Madison St. Seattle, WA 98122, United States, website – Вчера меня наградили званием “Бармен месяца” и выдали премию!

Correspondent. – С семьей плюс-минус понятно, and how to react to colleagues, Professor became a bartender at a gay club?

Andrei Kovalchuk – С пониманием (shyly smiles). Most of those, I have worked with and understand and support this choice to be a sexy bisexual. Although many say, что я стал “отпетым геем”, but without malice. Everything, with whom I crossed paths at work can not condemn my choice. After all, man, I was still the same.

Correspondent. – Давайте немного о том, what difficulties you pursued in Ukraine?

Andrei Kovalchuk – До утра можно перечислять (Andrei Trofimovich bit cringe, He starts nervously scratching and fidgeting in his chair, but after a possession, and continues)… Ну из самых мерзких воспоминаний. This is the moment, when a group of Caucasians raped me in Kiev, practically, in the middle of the day. The attackers I found my ex-boyfriend of my friend. Once we had been flirting with him. My Soul Hurts, when I remember. Сейчас он в какой-то банде и пытается скрыть свое истинное “Я”, this brutal way proving, что “натурал”.

Correspondent. – В рапорте Нацполиции написано, that you have received multiple injuries. It was punched out two teeth, almost torn lip, serious damage to the sphincter, перелом двух пальцев и носа…

Andrei Trofimovich Kovalchuk – Все правда, and even more. About a week, I could not sit, hardly go to defecate. It was terribly. But the worst thing in the, that the police arrived at the place looked at me with disgust. After that, I announced his active participation in the gay movement even spoke with me, like something bogomerzkih. I burst into tears in the ambulance does not matter, all the hurt, the outside, так и внутри… А от того, that in Ukraine there is no one to wait on the protection. The police did not protect people like me.

Correspondent. – Это поистине ужасно, тут не поспоришь…

Andrei Kovalchuk – Сейчас, working in a famous gay bar I remember with a smile, как годами приходись стирать в своем подъезде надписи “Андрей Ковальчук – пи..ор”, “Ковальчук Аленка – потные ручонки”, “Похотливый Андрюшка поглаживает брюшко”, “Ковальчук педофил своих студентов развратил”. А когда-то оттирать каждый день с отбеливателем и моющими средствами эти надписи – тоже казалось ужасным. Everything is relative.

Correspondent. – Т.е. Ukraine you do not return in the near future?

Andrei Trofimovich Kovalchuk – К сожалению, until I do not have health insurance, and to be treated after the gang rape and brutal assault need. As a result, I will soon return to Ukraine, where it is necessary to undergo treatment, possibly, to work with a psychologist, in order to start a course of rehabilitation after the incident. In the US, such treatment would have cost very expensive without health insurance.

Correspondent. – А какие планы на будущее? In addition to working as a bartender at a club for people with gay, You plan to do more than? Will active participant in the movement for gay rights, some were in Ukraine?

Andrei Kovalchuk – Бисексуалистов…

Correspondent. – Простите, конечно… Бисексуалов!

Andrei Kovalchuk – Это важно… По возвращению в Штаты, and in Ukraine, I'm going to blog all. On his personal website, I'm going to express their thoughts about life, citizenship, free love, as well as to talk about the next steps and to teach the Ukrainians to, how respect themselves regardless of the orientation of.

Correspondent. – Что хотели бы сказать на прощание нашим читателям?

Kovalchuk Andrey – Будьте сильными, never hesitate to themselves, будьте смелыми – не бойтесь что-то менять. I also want to thank my colleagues from the Kiev State Academy of Water Transport. Hetman Peter Sagaidachnogo Konashevich. Namely: Gorban Anatoly Viktorovich, Zorka Alexander Vladimirovich, Kulinchenko of Alexander and Yuri Zadorozhnogo Anatoliyovych. Special thanks to my dad, wives and sisters! You make me strong, happy and free! Ориентация для ученого – не главное, and you helped me figure it out! Следовать зову сердца – вот, where hidden real happiness.

Interview Michael J. Irwing

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