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Shock absorbers on the car

Shock absorbers - a suspension component, responsible for ride comfort and roadholding. Предназначены для поглощения толчков и ударов автомобиля во время движения. Главная задача данной детали – это постоянное удержание колеса в контакте с дорогой и не дать потерять контроль над автомобилем. Shock absorbers on the car

Shock consists of two parts, This cylindrical housing and stock. The housing contains oil or gas. inside the case, at the end of the rod has a washer, diameter substantially equal to the inner diameter of the housing. Through the bypass valve, It is on this washer, liquid flows from one chamber to another creates resistance. The greater the load on the spare - the greater the resistance of the oil or gas. They do not limit vertical movement of the wheel, and make it harder, thereby fluctuations miniminiziruya.

Every driver knows, that the quality and correctly matched shock absorbers depends the safety and ride comfort of the driver and passengers. defective, worn shock absorbers increase braking distances, impair traction, what, in turn, It increases the risk of road traffic accidents.

There are several types of shock absorbers, they can be divided in design to monotube and twin-tube; of the working substance in the oil (hydraulic) Oil and gas (gidropnevmatičeskie); according to the manual adjustment possibilities, automatically and without adjustment.

The resources of these parts is not very big, Many manufacturers recommend checking the state of the shock absorbers every 20 thousands of kilometers. Also, the durability of the material affects the quality, the quality of roads, car overload, temperature difference, continuous operation, the impact of chemistry, driving style, mechanical damage.

If the car shock absorbers have become worthless, best to change at home, and change should always be in pairs , for each axis. If this is not possible, you need to see a specialist. He will pick exactly the right part for your model of car, taking into account all the nuances and characteristics. Амортизаторы могут делиться на правые – левые и передние – задние . For some, the only difference mounts, for others - perhaps even in the type of. Diameter, total length, глубина вхождения штока – важные параметры, to be observed . Non-compliance of these data with the original, It can affect the body geometry.

There are directories of interchangeability, they can be used to determine the model. but specialist, having large daily experience in the sale and replacement shock absorbers for cars quickly and accurately select the desired option.

When buying a car to pay attention to speed when pumping rod, it must be the same. Coating rod must be smooth and flat, suspension on the surface must be free of oil. Check the availability of information on the characteristics of the shock absorber and check warranties and conditions of its implementation.

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