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American rocket Falcon Heavy (Heavy "Sokol") - review and feedback

Falcon Heavy – сверхтяжелая ракета-носитель, produced and operated by the US company SpaceX . Its first flight took place 6 February 2018 of the year.

Falcon Heavy to LC-39A platform Dzh.F Space Center. Kennedy in Florida

The rocket used the first 3 component Falcon 9. On the side of the only modification is the wind deflector, mounted on top, while the central part has been seriously altered. 2-Part remained unchanged by Falcon 9 .

With this solution, the missile performance was significantly increased, which theoretically allows to deliver 63,8 тонны до низкоорбитальной системы (while Falcon 9 in the most powerful version can theoretically deliver 22,8 tons). Such a large rocket also admits the possibility of a manned lunar mission. Хотя планы Илонна Макса намного перспективней – полет на Марс. Generally, manned flights unlikely.

Falcon Heavy – самая тяжелая из используемых в настоящее время ракет (in history was only Saturn V from the Apollo lunar program) and N-1 , and only space launch system, by NASA, there will be more opportunities. Although, we hope, that our compatriot Max Polyakov, which restarted Firefly Aerospace and already this year plans to first launch of the carrier rocket, more on, make a breakthrough in this direction.


Falcon Heavy rocket development program was publicly announced Elon Musk, SpaceX founder and director, in April 2011 of the year. The first launch was announced at 2013 year, however, this term has been repeatedly postponed, that was due to the fact, that from prospective commercial customers nebylo interest to the rocket, as well as the company's focus on the restoration of Falcon 9, Merlin engine upgrades 1 and work on the manned version of the Dragon ship 2.

About rockets:

Планируемые области применения ракеты Falcon Heavy – беспилотные полеты. SpaceX rocket also launched a certification process for US Air Force, which will give the company access to the market of military service. As the Falcon Heavy is a direct development of Falcon rocket 9 , received a certificate, This process should be much shorter, than 2 of the year, required for certification Falcon 9.

At the beginning 2018 , the promotion of the idea of ​​manned missions beyond the Moon's orbit has been suspended, unlikely, that topic will be relevant in the near future.

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