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Amazon Go – магазин без касс и очередей

One side, we have a tempting vision of the future purchases. С другой – серьезная опасность для нашей частной жизни.

Will look like shops and how we make purchases in the future, which has already begun? This article provides an answer giant Amazon, which can not fail to impress.

Amazon Go, that is, the future store

Amazon Go - is the name of the new project of the American giant. This store size 167 square meters, which next year should be open to a broad clientele. What is different from other similar places? First of all, application of technology, capable of using a large number of sensors to monitor your purchases. This eliminated the cashiers and queue.

How are shopping in Amazon Go? go, enter via smartphone, we are interested in taking the goods from the shelves, и… … просто уходим. Sensors in the store automatically credited to our account the products selected and charge your credit card, which is tied to the application. So a brief description of the technology being developed in the last four years under the aptly named Just Walk Out. It looks as follows:

We know, what did you buy, we know, what do you like

As usual in the case of such automated solutions, there are many comments about our privacy. On Amazon Go будет ведь очень подробно собираться информация о том, that you buy(and from which refuse), at what time you make a purchase, and how much time you spend in the store, etc.. d.

Already, you can find a lot of evidence, that stores control their clients, to better adapt to their needs. On a similar principle, however, today also has a popular loyalty card. Concept, provided by Amazon can further increase the amount of this "monitoring", and judging by the comments under the news on such topics, people set too negative.

Опять эти новые концепции…

Something that Amazon has decided to improve the comfort of shopping, it is commendable but will she be able to find their supporters? The fact that the store is just squaring 167 square meters suggests that the giant did not want to risk your finances, and for good reason. As you can imagine conscious buyers are hesitant to give up their privacy, and do not want them to have manipulated marketers. Дело в том что несколько лет назад компания IBM уже представляла подобное решение – подготовила рекламу которую вы можете увидеть ниже, but nothing she did not work, as buyers have refused to attend such a store.

And how do you feel about such innovations? Ответы оставляйте в комментариях….

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