Alena Shevtsova on the abolition of currency restrictions in Ukraine|news

Alena Shevtsova on the abolition of currency restrictions in Ukraine

To date, the media vigorously obgovarivaetsya last system of currency regulation. Law “On the currency and foreign exchange transactions” It includes eight basic regulations that will take effect February seventh. The law is designed to replace 56 not as effective regulations are responsible for the regulation of the previously. So radical and effective document could not be left without due attention to Ukrainian industry professionals receive payments. I commented on the situation on a newspaper page “Today” and the head of FC “Leogeyming Drink” Alena Shevtsova Degrik.

“Less than a month during the financial market will get a big update, the law has 20 easing. Main Business - cancellation of personal licenses for cash foreign exchange transactions, the abolition of the second control when you receive a declaration from another banking institution, as well as the abolition of supervision by the amounts to 150 thousand hryvnia, - says Alain Degrik. - This will allow a lot of business progress, instead of spending most of the available resources and time for mutual settlement.”, - denotes directrix FC “Leogeyming Drink”.

No less essential points of the liberalization of restrictions, According to Alena Degrik, It is also an increase in the limits for different actions. for example, lifted all restrictions on the opening of accounts by individuals abroad.

“By and large,, New orders seriously increase the use of foreign currency One unit in various fields, from settlements among counterparties to insurance issues. To care business from the total control of this long-awaited event. After all, companies who work in the legal field can be quiet. Mark is the fact, that investor interest will increase thanks to new laws to Ukrainian business”, - says Alena Shevtsova.

Summarizing Head FC “Leogeyming Drink” He noted, that in case of successful implementation of the new project will win all the participants of the financial market, as the voluntary movement of cash makes the Ukrainian economy is much more open to the world.

“Of course, lies ahead is still a lot of work in the framework of the liberalization of the published maps, and much depends on the macroeconomic indicators of our economy. But success means transparency, clarity and flexibility of the Ukrainian economy to the world. Today is, what you need to go, if we want development”, - sums up Alain Degrik.

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