IT News

Galaxy Note 7 It caused a car fire

Galaxy Note 7 стал причиной пожара автомобиля

Fires are not our main topic, although one of the last calls for closer discussions. Everything points to the fact that, что виновником стал Galaxy Note 7. Несколько дней назад в штате Флорида сгорел автомобиль – Jeep Cherokee. But, no car model is the most important, and the fact, The fire caused, probably, Galaxy Note 7. At least, so says the owner.

С ним и его семьей ничего к счастью не случилось. Smartphone and the car, but, It was completely destroyed.

These messages can be viewed as an attempt to get "cheap sensationalism". This time, but, все выглядят очень правдоподобно, because Galaxy Note 7 has serious problems with the battery is defective and not without reason, its sale has been suspended. The owners of the smartphone, you are welcome, contact the manufacturer (for inspection and possible replacement of the device to the new) and, as seen, really worth it to make. matter described above are now engaged experts, Samsung has also expressed interest in.

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