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Huawei Matebook в Украине – для кого это устройство?

Huawei Matebook officially goes on sale in Ukraine. This is a typical two in one, или иначе говоря гибридный планшет (better definition) or mini laptop (less appropriate to compare). Tablet with Windows 10 и Office 2016 on board, in conjunction with the keyboard, which is also the cover, становится ноутбуком для… Но, for Coigueabout?

The device does not have a super components, in gaming notebooks, but it can be useful gadget. Huawei Matebook an offer primarily for business, although the term businessman, does not mean, gadget that only the president of the company. Everyone, whose work requires to be in a state of readiness around the clock appreciate this hybrid tablet.

Huawei Matebook – технические характеристики

Tablet-laptop (2 at 1) He debuted in February at the MWC exhibition 2016 in Barcelona, characteristics which can boast of Huawei Matebook:

without a keyboard, it is a regular tablet with Windows 10

USB port on the left Type C, and the above button, among which we have the fingerprint reader

Док-станция в кожаном чехле…

…который позволяет хранить дополнительные адаптеры USB

The stylus is the accessory, которые можно докупить по желанию. It's a few hundred dollars taken from budget.

Huawei Matebook – с близкого расстояния

let's get a look, which gives the overall impression of the product Huawei.

One of the two loudspeakers on the top edge of the housing

Клавиатуру-чехол объединяет центрально расположенный разъем и защелки магнитные

As well, магниты под задней стенкой позволяют изменять степень наклона экрана – жаль, that we have only two positions

Matebook its design is very similar to the, that offer us in the case of Chinese brands Huawei smartphones and Honor. Just look body parts, similar materials, используемые для выполнения. Matebooka retaining comfort is easy to imagine, when we are talking about it, as a very large smartphone. Matebook имеет небольшую толщину, a fingerprint reader allows you to think about such safety comfort, as in the case of smartphones. Absence of the posterior chamber? – меня не беспокоит.

Pen pretty volume

MicroUSB port and part of the handle with laser pointer

Pen, but, rather, plumelet, which also serves as a remote control for presentations and the laser pointer can be one of the most powerful advantages Matebooka. Pity, что его нет в комплекте.

The fingerprint scanner

Shortly speaking, because I like the Huawei smartphones, just like Matebook. However, the ergonomics of a smartphone can not be compared directly with the device type 2 at 1.

Huawei Matebook – обязательная позиция в портфолио производителя

Huawei Matebook является потенциальной альтернативой для некоторых версий продукта Microsoft – Surface Pro 4. However, not only Surface was created from similar pobuzhdeniy.Tezhe Samsung Tab Pro S and Apple iPad Pro, although the latter is characterized by the system platform. After connecting all the keyboard-cover look the same. Matebook not the product is completely unique, but whether he will be a valuable product? It is another question.

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