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7 causes of noise in the system unit and what to do first?

7 причин шума в системном блоке и что делать в первую очередь?

Noise, который издает системный блок во время работы – всегда плохой признак. You need to get rid of it as soon as possible. This not only causes discomfort while using the device, but also indicates the malfunctioning of some elements inside the system unit. This problem reduces computer performance and causes premature wear of parts..

Causes of computer noise

  1. Malfunctioning hard drive. Sometimes besides the noise, This component may make knocking and crackling sounds during operation.. This is especially audible while copying or writing something to the hard drive.. The reason may be the wear of the mechanism or the poor quality of the material.. Noise may occur immediately after purchase or after using the PC for a long time. Если жесткий диск совсем выйдет из строя – есть риск потерять все данные с компьютера. Seek help from a specialist.
  2. Dust has accumulated on the video card. The fault of the sounds, issued by the video card, is cooler, cooling fee. Need to clean the fan blades and graphics card. Also, a poorly installed cooler can rub its blades against the board and create an unpleasant sound.. To do this, you need to disassemble the cooler and install it correctly or replace.
  3. CPU cooler clogged with dust. A processor is installed on any motherboard, which is also called "stone". A radiator with a cooler is fixed on it. when cold air from outside gets in, dust accumulates on this design over time and the fan starts to rotate more slowly. A layer of dust creates noise in the system unit, and the fan loses speed and creates a hum in the room. Clean the cooling system first, and then tighten the screws well.
  4. The power supply is worn out. Блок питания – это элемент, which needs to be changed every 2-3 of the year. This is a very important component., he is responsible for the health of the entire computer. Except its wear and tear, also during this time dust accumulates inside the unit. Noise can be caused by this.. This element can be tried to disassemble and clean, however, not all models make it easy, easier to buy a new one.
  5. Wrong optical drive. Rare case. Sometimes it's not the whole motherboard that makes the noise., and the optical drive ( CD-DVD ROM). Причина – его плохое качество. Noise arises at that moment, when a disc is inserted into the optical drive. Если диска внутри него нет – значит и звука быть не может. It is practically unrepairable., basically this component is replaced or switched to the use of flash drives.
  6. One of the components of the system unit is cracked. Damage to one of the elements can lead to rattling and hum of the system unit. To understand the reasons, you need to remove the case and carefully inspect all the details. Mostly this happens when the computer is hit or dropped..
  7. parts of the system unit are poorly fixed. Check all fixings of the system unit. Open the cover on the housing and tighten all screws and screws.

How cleaning a PC will help with noise in the system unit

After reading this article, you noticed, that many of the causes of noise can be solved, removing dust from the surfaces of all elements inside the system unit. To do this, you need to clean your computer regularly.. This can be easily done by specialists of the computer service “ServiceIT”. You can order this service by going to the site and filling out the feedback form or by calling: ( 098) 550 96 96, (093) 442 96 96, (066) 341 96 96. Also, friendly managers will be able to answer the question, how much does it cost to clean a computer at home.

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