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7 reasons why you should use souvenirs

Formation of image and brand awareness are important issues, but they do not fully reflect the benefits of using aways in marketing projects, implemented by the company. So what happens, If you decide to buy souvenirs for clients and business partners? Некоторые эффекты могут вас удивить…souvenirs

The advantages of using promotional products

  1. You will have a reason to start a conversation. Using a small gift, коим является сувенир, вы немного сокращаем расстояние между компанией и клиентом . Good gift, this particular person, It is an excellent introduction to the conversation, the reason for the offer or the exchange of business cards, and even the possibility of organizing another meeting.
  2. Increases operational efficiency. The establishment of relations with the client or the contractor will require less time, if the other party during the meeting will be presented with an attractive promotional gift. Saving time greatly increases our effectiveness. Besides, relationship quality, thus constructed, It can be definitely better..
  3. Concern for the welfare and the client's image. Providing customers with promotional gifts, you thus convince him about his unique position and importance . Special, when a gift is sent in the presence of third parties, This action strengthens the sense of difference and contributes to a positive image of the client's personal. The result of this operation is (in addition to the client's well-being, which should be especially important to you) call specific association between the product, selling company, or services and promotional gifts. Respectively, особый уникальный подарок клиенту влияет на его решения о покупке продуктов/заказе услуг вашей компании. This phenomenon is based on the fact, we all like to buy things and have, which set us apart from the crowd.
  4. Due aways to create a positive image of the company, stronger brand. a distinct advantage, and especially important for companies that are just entering the market. Attractive high-quality promotional gifts, First of all, tell the world who you are, and secondly, their character can be synonymous with your business.
  5. Customer / client / partner / employee becomes advertising your company. Advertising souvenirs have a real impact on the decision-making process as the beneficiaries, and third parties. Customer, use every day, eg, elegant pen, original mug or practical bag, It became the unofficial representative of the brand. Often he even explains the origin of a souvenir, answers to other questions about the logo on the subject. In this way, range of people, recognizing the existence of the brand, natural and significantly expands.
  6. Сувениры в подарок – отличная мотивация для сотрудников вашей компании. Gifts with logo or name arouses curiosity, enthusiasm, and often pride, caused Affiliation. it, certainly, unite the team and will be a good motivation tool.
  7. Promotional gifts can provide a pleasant experience, good mood and help. Quite a lot for corporate gifts? But the way it is. Individual promotional gifts give joy and happiness, because it: Firstly gift, and in- вторых – сюрприз. And is there anyone, кто не любит подарки – сюрпризы? In this way, improved mood guaranteed. Besides, practical gift helps if necessary , eg, when the street is rain, and handy umbrella with your company logo :).

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