A glass disk having a diameter a few centimeters and a few mm thick may accommodate up 360 TB data. It sounds like a fairy tale, but, по мнению ученых из университета в Саутгемптоне это возможно. Also in 2013 , they showed data recording technology using a laser on media. now claim, that fully mastered the process, который должен обеспечить записанным данных “бессмертие”.
The material is designed to Southampton, of course, It is not an ordinary piece of glass. He can survive a temperature in 1000 degrees without breaking the internal structure
Recording data using the femtosecond laser is called 5D. The role is played not only the location of the nanostructure, containing information, but also the orientation and size. Одна наноструктура хранит 3 bits of information. Demo-disk, If this definition is suitable, It contains, among other things,, Universal Declaration of Human Rights of the UN, трактат Ньютона о природе света ….. содержит три слоя таких наноструктур. The distance between the layers is 5 m.
The amount of data, which generates mankind is increasing year by year, but with today's perspective carrier capacity to 360 TB, it seems, final solution to the problem of long-term storage of valuable data for our civilization. museums, library, national archives, All these institutions will take this technology with open arms.