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3 Interesting Smart TV set-top box with Android

Want Smart TV, but you do not want to spend big money on new equipment? Simply select one of the Smart TV set-top boxes, чтобы превратить ваш обычный телевизор в “умный”, or make it at least a little more intelligent than ever before :).

TV plugin on Android

We picked for you 3 the most interesting TV set-top boxes, предлагающих различные аппаратные и программные функции – от самых простых и недорогих, to more advanced and expensive.

Xiaomi Mi Box 4K

Неслучайно наш обзор мы начнем с Xiaomi Mi Box 4K – это одна из новейших и самых интересных приставок которая превратит обычный телевизор в Smart TV Android, Besides, in a rather attractive price.

Gadget small size, pretty nice equipment operates under control of Android TV version 6.0.1 Zephyr with all its advantages and some limitations, in a relationship, first of all, the number of available applications designed for the TV version of Android.

It is able to reproduce the image at a maximum resolution of 4K, то есть 3840×2160 пикселей со скоростью 60 FPS. Also supports improving the image quality HDR technique. Здесь сразу оговорка – чтобы использовать два последних качества вы должны иметь телевизор (or monitor), which is capable of displaying an image at 4K resolution and supports HDR. Of course, android from Xiaomi console can also be connected to TVs do not have such capabilities, in which case you'll just have to settle for low-resolution images without the use of an HDR.

The prefix has a Wi-Fi connection 802 a / b / g / n / and, and Bluetooth 4.1, equipped with HDMI terminals 2.0, USB 2.0 and SPDIF audio output 3,5 mm.

What is important, Xiaomi Mi Box 4K also supports Google Cast technology, which allows you to broadcast video and audio from other devices, so on the big screen, you can watch a movie stored in the memory of the smartphone without any particularly complex additional procedures.

Included with the Mi Box you also get a remote control with voice control function and the HDMI-cable.

Nvidia Shield TV

Nvidia Shield TV very good equipment, although, certainly, not for everyone. The target group of the display are, first of all, players, who can use it for broadcasting games from your smartphone with Android or home PC, and play directly on it thanks to the services Shield Games, GameStream и GeForce Now. but, it is one of the most expensive devices of this type on the market, but people, often playing video games, should it be interested in.

Купив тв приставку Nvidia Shield TV в рамках услуги Shield Games вы получаете доступ к большой палитры игр в которые, thank servisu GeForce Now, можно играть в “облаке”, that is, all the computer services is carried out on Nvidia servers, and only the image gets to the set-top box. With this solution, you can play, eg, in the latest version of The Witcher on the device, which is not powerful enough, to directly run on it the title.

but, Nvidia Shield TV – это также классическая, though not visually, in comparison with other types of devices, very large Smart TV set-top box which is installed on Android TV system 6.0 with additional software Shield Android TV.

How and Xiaomi Mi Box 4K plug Nvidia podderzhivaet permission 4K 60 fps and HDR, Besides, It allows you to record images, and perform its streaming. It provides a link to the Wi-Fi standard 802.11 ac и Bluetooth 4.1 THE, and also has a Google Cast technology. It is equipped with two USB connectors 3.0 type A, It has an HDMI connector 2.0 and a slot Ethernet.

Buying Nvidie Shield TV you get along with it and the remote control. You can also select an option to provide additional expensive joysticks for gaming. Also available version with extra drive 500 GB.

Google Chromecast 2 TV

Google Chromecast 2 TV Smart TV is not a classical attachment, but, in spite of this, It can breathe new life into a fairly classic TV. For the husband is very cheap device.

How does it work? Connect Chromecast to HDMI-connector on the TV, and that in principle all, Everything else is done on a smartphone. The Google Store is available a lot of applications interacting with Chromecastem and their number is still growing. Also, more and more games can already be used on the Google set-top box.

but, Google TV set-top box does not allow the installation of applications directly on it, so, if you want to use smart TV without the use of phone, This equipment is not for you. But, прежде чем вы подумаете – нет, я хочу устанавливать приложения “на телевизор” – задумайтесь, whether or not this feature you need. May be, will, that streaming video and audio from your smartphone or computer will be enough.

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