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10 reasons because of which should learn English

English language - is the language of science, business, international cooperation and diplomacy. Learning English should not be a bad long - in this article we present ten reasons, why it is necessary to learn English.
10 reasons to learn English

10 reasons to learn English:

  1. English is currently the most popular foreign language
    in the world, he is fluent 1,5 billion people living on all continents.
  2. English is the language of science, business, international cooperation and diplomacy. Studying and learning English Oxford School also it allows you to get a good job in Europe or the US.
  3. English is one of the easiest languages ​​to learn. The grammar is relatively simple, nouns do not have a variable endings, verbs, they are virtually identical.
  4. Knowledge of the English language to facilitate communication and movement during trips abroad - you will find the necessary the street without problems, a restaurant, airport or hotel.
  5. Knowledge of the English language will help you communicate with foreigners, you can stay in touch, eg, by e-mail with people from all over the world, as well as look for interesting news on foreign websites.
  6. Understand lyrics to your favorite songs and dialogues in your favorite movies, in the movies and in front of TV, without the aid of an interpreter or subtitle.
  7. You will be able to read newspapers, books and other materials in a foreign language, often not available in Ukrainian and Russian. Because of this you will know you are interested in professional or private matters more than, than people, who knows only Russian or Ukrainian language.
  8. With English you will be able to pass the exam of English language at the very highest rating, and that, in turn, It allows you to come to study in a prestigious university or find a better job.
  9. Learning a foreign language is a great intellectual exercise, that at any age brings many benefits. It improves the ability to concentrate, trains memory, It raises the level of our cultural heritage, make new friends, lets look at the world from the perspective of another culture.
  10. When you learn how to speak in English, you will be proud - you reach that, the dream of many people, and because of this you will gain more confidence, which is very much needed in everyday life.

And you are learning English? If yes, for what reason?


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